To ensure the safety of our staff, their families and our customers we will follow all strict social distancing guidelines & ensure all our operations are safeguarded by the required precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Our staffing levels are currently around 90% capacity, and we are manufacturing our products on shifts with staggered start times plus allocating some of our office staff to work from home. With Covid secure practices in place we are still offering our full products and services. We are closely & vigilantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation around the clock, and we will continue to follow all Government advice and guidelines, as well as take every precaution necessary to help combat this global epidemic.
We will safely reopen our showroom doors as soon as restrictions are lifted by the UK Government. We have taken extra safety precautions & social distancing guidelines are in place. We also kindly request that when we reopen all visitors to our showrooms wear a mask or face covering as legislated by the Government.
In the meantime, you can explore our virtual showrooms online by clicking here.